Thursday, August 27, 2009

run to the LORD

So I've been running lately. It all started after my soccer team lost our last game to a whiny, annoying team. We were knocked out of the play-offs because they out ran us on the field. I went home that afternoon and ran my first 1.8 mile loop with resolve. It's now three months later. At best, my training has been off and on since then- but I've had running on my mind ever since. (To the right are some pictures of what my typical route looks like. beautiful.)

It was then that I somehow got it in my head that I was going to run the Hardwick Fair Road Race, too. There were a few key people that got me turned onto the idea of running. My neighbor, my sister-in-law, and one of my teammates each popped up on my radar as a running encourager. Anyway, I have loved the process of training for the fair race all summer. It gives me a real sense of accomplishment when I run a little farther than I did yesterday and when I can feel my muscles get a little more tight and toned. I love finding a rhythm for my breaths to hit as I make my way down the street. It was really hard to be motivated at first, but the race was drawing ever closer, and I had to push it or be embarrassed at not finishing or chickening out.

I had sort of an epiphany as I struggled up Ruggles Hill Road on mile 3 of the race route. I realized that getting up that hill was so much more about my determination to finish than it was about how in shape my legs were. My mind was going to decide that I couldn't go any further long before my legs would physically give out. It was then that it hit me. It was my willingness to say yes that pushed me up a hill and across a 5.7 miles that I'd never done before. It really took every fiber in my being not to slow down or walk. Exerting this amount of effort and drive is something I think I rarely do. What if I did it all the time? What kind of a person would I be? What could I be capable of doing? My imagination opened up.

I thought about how often in my life I tell myself, "I can't" and then thought about all the possibilities if I would dig deep and say "YES!" to the Lord with the same intensity that I said "yes. I will run this race."

This has made me think back to those questions of free will, grace, and salvation. Yes. Jesus has done all of the saving work for me and the whole world. He came to earth, fully divine and fully human, and died on the cross and atoned for the sins of the whole fallen world. He was resurrected in victory over sin and death. It's His passion that redeems the world to Himself. The work of salvation has already been done- so it's not like there is anything I can do to contribute to my own salvation...but this doesn't mean that I'm powerless or that my actions are inconsequential. Or that God doesn't want me to act- BOLDLY. What could my relationship with Him be like if I ran towards His will for me the way I ran up that hill?

God wants me to say YES to Him with the same (if not more!) intensity and passion and sacrifice and determination that I said to running that race. He wants me to say yes to His saving grace every moment of every second of my life. He want me to say Yes to the Truth. He wants me to say yes to sacrificial love with my heart, with my body, with my actions, with my thoughts, with my praise and with my worship.

What more wonderful task could there be than to say Yes! to the infinitely good and holy Lord of the Universe.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Amen. Hallelujah

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hardwick Fair Eve

By the time we were done registering for the fair, it was already pretty dark out. So, I grabbed my camera and got some OK shots of how peaceful & beautiful things looked the night before the crowds arrived. I can't believe this is my front yard! I liked being alone out there slinking around for a decent shot and saying "hi" to late night fair volunteers and neighbors....

Adventures in Girl Scouting

On Thursday afternoon, I was coming home from Northampton (where I really loved getting to spend time with Jess!) Anyway, I was driving home- and here is what I love about living where I do- I just pulled my car into the driveway and there were about 10 girls and their parents waving to me on the front porch to come help stuff scarecrows. I got to help make scarecrows with the Girl Scouts to enter in the fair. Most of the girls were around 9 years old and it was so much fun hanging out with them and their parents. I love stuff like that, I love being around people like that, and I LOVE that it's in my front yard when I come home. (added bonus: Ross had already tapped the People's Pint keg in the backyard!) What a great place this is.

All the kids were pretty excited about what they were working on and even more excited that I might help them with it. After helping Anni put together a beauty queen scare crow I decided to take a stab at making my own. I was forced to laugh when I realized I had to give up my creative control and let the excited kids take over. We made a robot (They drew all sorts of buttons and dials on the thing.) and it pretty much rocked the graveyard...that's right the kids all took their scare crows over to the graveyard to set them up and register them for judging in the fair the next day.

It was so hot and muggy out when I was making those creations with the girls, but it didn't matter. We were so into it (and I had my Pied Piper IPA) that it didn't stop us. I just loved spending time with them and loved being sweaty without caring or really noticing b/c I was having too much fun chatting and playing with them. I think it's that I just love to play. It might be my favorite thing- adults aren't as good at playing (although they like to think they are.)
I love the way whimsy takes over and there is a sense of excitement and adventure in the smallest project.

Kids rock...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Killing Moon

After writing an email to my sister recently- I was left with this warm and tingly feeling as I saved what I had written in the archives of my gmail account. I like how it left me with a more concrete and satisfying sense of my own reflections, feelings, and ideas. Even now, I get the sense that I can more clearly develop thoughts and insights that are swimming around in my head....

So here it is. A new attempt at blogging. I'm going to take a stab at putting my thoughts out on the page with photos instead of just sporadically posting random pictures. I haven't posted here in forever so I feel relatively safe about how "public" this space really is at this point, but just in case you are out there reading this- I haven't really written in a while & am really rusty. bear with me...

It's raining heavily here and there are no lights on in the house. It's light gray and gold outside and this apartment is dimly lit from the outside and feels like home. (our last apartment never ever felt like home) We got a new futon, bookshelves,and a kitchen table- all inherited from Addie when she moved out of the happy valley. Anyway, we've done a better job with furniture and decorating and keeping clean. This place was filled with great people over the weekend so things feel extra good this evening. I spent the day at church, where there were "creepy crawlies" in the communion wine, cleaning the house, going for a run and watching "Legend of the Seeker" with Ian.

Right now I'm home alone- which I LOVE. The lighting is just right & it's so quiet- all i can hear is rain and the occasional car. I love the sound of heavy rain, there is something comforting and magical about it.

I posted some pictures I just took from the front porch in the rain (even though it doesn't really look like it's even raining in them- it was pouring.) It felt good sitting out there with my camera- taking it all in. Hardwick really is beautiful.

I guess this will be a short first post, but at least it's something...

Listening to Echo and the Bunnymen right now, which adds a spookiness to the ambiance of this space right now. Beautiful.

I think I'm going to go read my book and listen to the rain in my dark house.